
Friday, June 17, 2011

Organization 101

Well with summer rounding the corner, I figured I'd better start with some spring cleaning (or in my case organizing) I have this room in my basement, I call it "My teaching room" I am a substitute teacher, who has had jobs in the past but no full time contract. So..I have A LOT of STUFF. Now I am organizing it. Here are some of my Org 101 tips and tricks:

Tip 1: Have a plan

--There is no way I could just walk into that room and clean/organize it, unless I had an idea on where everything was going.

Tip 2: Set a Goal

--Decide what you want to accomplish each day and stick to it.

Tip 3: Stay Focused

--Unless you bleeding, your child is screaming or someone died, keep at it. Seems like it may take forever but it does get better.

Tip 4: Throw it out

--If you haven't used it in forever, or forgot you had it GET RID OF IT!!! I already threw away 4 bags of papers and things that I haven't used or needed.

Tip 5: Make it Pretty

--Keep like items together in pretty containers, like paper clips in glass jars or pencils in a vase. Looking at these things will make you smile.

Just remember, a organized home is a happy home :)

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